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Updating FMG Suite Pages with Streamable Embed Codes

All of the video pages associated with the "MoneyTrax Dashboard" in FMG Suite have been updated with the new "Streamable" embed codes.
If you are only using video page(s) indicated as Synced from Moneytrax (shown below) then you should see a prompt in the top right corner of your dashboard "Compliance" (shown below) for your broker dealer to approve the changes made before you will see the updates on your website.
If you have created your own pages with the old Wistia embed videos, then you will need to update those pages yourself in your FMG Suite Dashboard.  Again, after updating the page's embed code you will see a prompt in the top right corner of your dashboard "Compliance" for your broker dealer to approve changes made before you will see the updates on your website.
You should reach out to the FMG Suite support team to review what pages you have and what may or may not need to be updated.  Again, here is the spreadsheet with the new "Streamable" embed codes:  Excel Spreadsheet (click here)
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