Here is a short list of Acronyms and Abbreviations that you may run across in your travels through our training and software. These are separated by where you might run into them and not alphabetically. You can use CTRL+F to search this document for what you are looking for.
Circle of Wealth System
LI - Life Insurance
CP- Client Profile (personality test)
FGPS- Financial Global Positioning System
IFR- Inflate Flatten Reduce
OC - Opportunity Cost
PEM- Personal Economic Model
PLI- Permanent Life Insurance
PRS- Private Reserve Strategy
QP- Qualified Plan
LO- Loan Officer
RMD- Required Minimum Distribution
RRON- Retirement Ready or Not
SSWC- Spender Saver Wealth Creator
TLS- Three legged Stool
TVM/INF/LE- Time Value of Money/Inflation/Life Expectancy
Financial GPS System and Spending Game- Many of these you may be able to mouse over and get an explanation of inside the calculator
Acc - Accumulation
Distrib- Distribution
Cap- Capital
CA- Current Age
RA- Retirement Age
LE- Life Expectance
ROR- Rate of Return
% Ordinary- Percent of total investment that is taxed as Ordinary income
PTFL- Pay ordinary Taxes from Lifestyle
Inflate@- how much to inflate a contribution by percentage
RMD- Required Minimum Distribution
WD- Withdrawal
EWD- Early Withdrawal
LTC- Long Term Care
ILIT- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust
APPR.- Appreciation
P&I- Principle and Interest
ITR- Independent Tax Rate
CFW- Show this account on Cash Flow worksheet
FD- Fees Deductible
CG- Capital Gains
M.P.- Major Purchases- refers to the tank in the PEM
DB- Death Benefit